Rose Bend Community Church is located in the Applachian Mountains of Campton, Kentucky. Our church was founded in November 2001. It started out with Pastor Darrell Elam and 20 members. These members had been through so much. They had formed from a church where they felt the Holy Spirit was being supressed; members had parted, hearts had been broken. Through the months prior to the formation of Roose bend Community Church these 20 members had held together, plodding along, attending different churches, looking for a home. A place in which to worship our Lord and Savior in peace and where everyone was welcome no matter what they wore or how far in sin they were (was this not whom the Lord wants us to sinner.)

Our members found a vacaant church building, which we later learned was built in 1843. Pastor Elam contacted the Pastor who had previously held church there and ask if we could borrow the building in which to conduct church services. We held our first service on a Wednesday night. What a glorious night that was, all members came with an open heart;they had found a church home. We felt like jesus in a borrowed tomb, God was good, we knew it was only temporary.

The Lord started blessing Rose Bend Community Church right away. Our members prayed for a piece of land on which we could build a church building. Within a week God had answered our prayers. A person from the community had donated us a piece of land in the Rose Bend area on which we could and not only had the land been donated but there was a new well drilled on this pice of property. God's blessings were abundent.

God had given Pastor Elam a vision of a 30 x 60 building with a half basement. So our congregation prayed for the Lord to allow us to have enough money, through donations and fund raisers to build this church. We started contacting building contractors for construction prices. The lowest bid we received was ,000. When our board members took this proposal to the bank to ask for a loan the bank informed us we had not been established long enough to receive a loan of this amount. But we were not to be discouraged, for if God be for us who can be against us. Our congregation prayed harder for God to have his will and show us His plan. Soon the opportunity arose for us to buy a 14 x 70 trailer for ,500, this was God's plan! We could buy this trailer, remodel the inside and build onto it as we could afford the material.

God is in the miracle business and our church is growing in leaps and bounds. We had our first VBS in June 2002. We had 12 children attend. Five have started to come to church on a regular basis. One accepted Jesus into her heart during this bible school adventure. Yes, Rose Bend Community Church has seen God perform many miracles since opening it's doors. New members have joined, young and old alike. We have established officers and have even seen one young christian couple marry. We have seen the miracle of health through Pastor Elams wife, Pauline. The doctors had given her one year to live and through faith and prayer she has beat the odds. Our Lord is blessing this ministry and has big plans for this young church.

Our goal is to win souls to Christ and to tell people about the many things Christ can do in their lives.

Rose Bend Community Church has claimed no denomination because we believe there is but one God and one Chruch (1 Cor. 12:1-14). We teach from the King James Version bible and teach of a risen, living God which is the pillar and ground of the truth.

We are a community based church, if you of anyone in the community with a special need please let us know and we will try to help them.

Visit our prayer request and letters links.

Prayer Request
